Affiliate Relationship Disclosure

Slowly I’m Learning About & Getting Involved In a Few Affiliate Partnerships

This is the shorter version of my explanation regarding my affiliate relationships. I’ve also written a longer, more detailed version you can find here.

Like most online editors I occasionally publish product-focused articles, including reviews and guides, as well as news. In some cases my articles may recommend products or services to my readers. When I do make a recommendation, I do so with complete autonomy and without regard to affiliate or advertising relationships.

In other words…when I recommend a product or a service…I truly do recommend it. I find myself in the (enviable?) position of writing about things that I love. That proclivity, combined with the unadorned truth…that writers in the online industry generally rely heavily upon affiliate commissions which tend to provide most if not all of their professional income.

Only about 10% of the posts I’ve written might even include an affiliate link because I simply don’t write all that many articles about specific products. Rest assured when I do it will probably be pretty obvious.